The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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556 lines
1000 bole {bol-ay'}
from 906; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n f
AV - cast (1)
1) a throw, about a stones throw, as far as a stone cast by the
1001 bolizo {bol-id'-zo}
from 1002; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - sound (2)
1) a missile, dart; a line an plummet with which mariners sound
the depth of the sea, a sounding lead
1002 bolis {bol-ece'}
from 906; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n f
AV - dart (1)
1) a missile, dart or javelin
1003 Booz {bo-oz'}
of Hebrew origin [1162]; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n pr m
AV - Booz (2)
1) Boaz meaning "fleetness", was a wealthy Bethlehemite, a
kinsman to Elimelech the husband of Naomi. He married Ruth,
and redeemed the estate of her deceased husband Mahlon. Boaz
is mentioned in the genealogy of Christ. One of the brazen
pillars erected in Solomon's temple porch was called Boaz (1
Kings 7:15,21). It was on the left and was eighteen cubits
high. The pillar, Jachin was on the right. (SBD)
Boaz meaning "in him is strength", strength of riches,
power, virtue, and grace; it is the name of one of the
pillars in Solomon's temple so called from his strength. This
man is commonly said by the Jews to be the same as Ibzan, a
judge in Israel, Judges 12:8; he was the grandson of Nahshon,
prince of the tribe of Judah, who first offered at the
dedication of the altar (Nu. 7:12) his father was Salmon,
and his mother Rahab, the harlot of Jericho. (Gill)
1004 borboros {bor'-bor-os}
of uncertain derivation; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n m
AV - mire (1)
1) dung, mire
1005 borrhas {bor-hras'}
of uncertain derivation; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n m
AV - north (2)
1) Boreas, the north-north-east wind.
2) the north
1006 bosko {bos'-ko}
a prol. form of a primary verb [compare 977, 1016];
TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - feed (8)
- keep (1) [9]
1) to feed, portraying the duty of a Christian teacher to
promote in every way the spiritual welfare of the members of
the church.
1007 Bosor {bos-or'}
of Hebrew origin [1160]; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n pr m
AV - Bosor (1)
1) Bosor meaning "burning or torch", the same name as Beor, the
father of Balaam.
1008 botane {bot-an'-ay}
from 1006; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n f
AV - herb (1)
1) an herb fit for fodder, green herb, growing plant
1009 botrus {bot'-rooce}
of uncertain derivation; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n m
AV - cluster of the vine (1)
1) a bunch or cluster of grapes
1010 bouleutes {bool-yoo-tace'}
from 1011; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n m
AV - counsellor (2)
1) a councillor or senator
1011 bouleuo {bool-yoo'-o}
from 1012; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - consult (2)
- be minded (2)
- purpose (2)
- determine (1)
- take counsel (1) [8]
1) to deliberate with one's self, consider
2) to take counsel, resolve
1012 boule {boo-lay'}
from 1014; TDNT - 1:629,108; n f
AV - counsel (10)
- will (1)
- advise + 5087 (1) [12]
1) counsel, purpose
1013 boulema {boo'-lay-mah}
from 1014; TDNT - 1:629,108; n n
AV - purpose (1)
- will (1) [2]
1) will, counsel, purpose
1014 boulomai {boo'-lom-ahee}
middle voice of a primary verb; TDNT - 1:629,108; vb
AV - will (15)
- would (11)
- be minded (2)
- intend (2)
- be disposed (1)
- be willing (1)
- list (1)
- of his own will (1) [34]
1) to will deliberately, have a purpose, be minded
2) of willing as an affection, to desire
1015 bounos {boo-nos'}
probably of foreign origin; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n m
AV - hill (2)
1) a hill, eminence, mound
1016 bous {booce}
probably from the base of 1006; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n m
AV - ox (8)
1) an ox, a cow
1017 brabeion {brab-i'-on}
from brabeus (an umpire of uncertain derivation); TDNT - 1:637,110;
n n
AV - prize (2)
1) the award to the victor in the games, a prize, metaph. of the
heavenly reward for Christian character
1018 brabeuo {brab-yoo'-o}
from the same as 1017; TDNT - 1:637,110; vb
AV - rule (1)
1) to be an umpire
2) to decide, determine
3) to direct, control, rule
1019 braduno {brad-oo'-no}
from 1021; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - tarry (1)
- be slack (1) [2]
1) to render slowly, retard
2) to be long, to tarry, loiter
1020 braduploeo {brad-oo-plo-eh'-o}
from 1021 and a prolonged form of 4126; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - sail slowly (1)
1) to sail slowly
1021 bradus {brad-ooce'}
of uncertain affinity; TDNT - omitted,omitted; adj
AV - slow (3)
1) dull, inactive, in mind; stupid, slow to apprehend or believe
1022 bradutes {brad-oo'-tace}
from 1021; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n f
AV - slackness (1)
1) slowness, delay
1023 brachion {brakh-ee'-own}
properly, comparative of 1024, but apparently in the sense of
brasso (to wield); TDNT - 1:639,110; n m
AV - arm (3)
1) the arm, the arm of God is a Hebrew idiom for the might and
the power of God
1024 brachus {brakh-ooce'}
of uncertain affinity; TDNT - omitted,omitted; adj
AV - a little (4)
- a little space (1)
- a little while (1)
- few words (1) [7]
1) short, small, little
1a) of place, a short distance, a little
1b) of time, a short time, for a little while
1025 brephos {bref'-os}
of uncertain affin.; TDNT - 5:636,759; n n
AV - babe (5)
- child (1)
- infant (1)
- young child (1) [8]
1a) an unborn child, embryo, a fetus
1b) a new-born child, an infant, a babe
1026 brecho {brekh'-o}
a primary verb; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - rain (3)
- wash (2)
- rain + 5205 (1)
- send rain (1) [7]
1) to moisten, wet, water
2) to water with rain, to cause to rain, to pour the rain,
spoken of God, to send down like rain
1027 bronte {bron-tay'}
akin to bremo (to roar); TDNT - 1:640,110; n f
AV - thunder (8)
- thundering (4) [12]
1) thunder
1028 broche {brokh-ay'}
from 1026; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n f
AV - rain (2)
1) a besprinkling, watering, rain, used of a heavy shower or
violent rainstorm
1029 brochos {brokh'-os}
of uncertain derivation; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n m
AV - snare (1)
1) a noose, slip-knot, by which any person or thing is caught,
or fastened, or suspended; to throw a noose upon one, a figure
borrowed from war or the chase so that by craft or by force
one is bound to some necessity, to constrain him to obey some
1030 brugmos {broog-mos'}
from 1031; TDNT - 1:641,110; n m
AV - gnashing (7)
1) a gnashing of teeth, used to denote extreme anguish and utter
despair of men consigned to eternal punishment.
1031 brucho {broo'-kho}
a primary verb; TDNT - 1:641,110; vb
AV - gnash (1)
1) to grind, gnash with the teeth, to bite, to chew
1032 bruo {broo'-o}
a primary verb; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - send forth (1)
1) to abound, gush forth, teem with juices
2) to send forth abundantly, to teem
1033 broma {bro'-mah}
from the base of 977; TDNT - 1:642,111; n n
AV - meat (16)
- victual (1) [17]
1) that which is eaten, food
1034 brosimos {bro'-sim-os}
from 1035; TDNT - omitted,omitted; adj
AV - meat (1)
1) eatable
1035 brosis {bro'-sis}
from the base of 977; TDNT - 1:642,111; n f
AV - meat (6)
- rust (2)
- morsel of meat (1)
- eating (1)
- food (1) [11]
1) act of eating, corrosion
2) that which is eaten, food, ailment, used of the soul's food,
either which refreshes the soul, or nourishes and supports it
in eternal life
1036 buthizo {boo-thid'-zo}
from 1037; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - begin to sink (1)
- drown (1) [2]
1) to plunge into the deep, to sink
1037 buthos {boo-thos'}
a variation of 899; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n m
AV - deep (1)
1) the bottom or depth of the sea, the sea itself, the deep sea
1038 burseus {boorce-yooce'}
from bursa (a hide); TDNT - omitted,omitted; n m
AV - tanner (3)
1) a tanner, Simon the tanner in Acts 9:43 Simon the tanner; It
seems as if people of this trade used to dwell in towns near
the sea, as fit for their business; so we read of some at
Sidon, a city on the sea-coast, as Joppa was; "it happened at
Sidon, that a certain tanner died, and he had a brother a
tanner etc.", where Gemara distinguishes between a great
tanner and a little tanner; the latter, is one that is poor
and has but few skins: which of these Simon was, can not be
said. The business was very contemptible with the Jews; they
say "woe to him whose trade is a tanner;" and further observe,
that they never made one a king, nor a high priest: but their
doctors, many of them were of as mean trades, as shoemakers,
skinners, etc. and Simon the Athenian philosopher was a
leather-cutter; and according to the Ethiopic version, this
Simon was a shoemaker; with him Peter chose to abide, and not
with Dorcas. (Gill)
1039 bussinos {boos'-see-nos}
from 1040; TDNT - omitted,omitted; adj
AV - fine linen (4)
1) cloth made from flax. Several different Hebrew words are
rendered linen, which may denote different fabrics of linen or
different modes of manufacture. Egypt was the great centre of
the linen trade. Some linen, made from Egyptian byssus, a flax
that grew on the banks of the Nile, was exceedingly soft and
of dazzling whiteness. This linen has been sold for twice the
price of gold. Sir J. G. Wilkinson says of it, "The quality of
the fine linen fully justified all the praises of antiquity,
and excites equal admiration at the present day, being to the
touch comparable to silk, and not inferior in texture to our
finest cambric." (SBD)
1040 bussos {boos'-sos}
of Hebrew origin [948]; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n f
AV - fine linen (2)
1) cloth made from flax. Several different Hebrew words are
rendered linen, which may denote different fabrics of linen or
different modes of manufacture. Egypt was the great centre of
the linen trade. Some linen, made from Egyptian byssus, a flax
that grew on the banks of the Nile, was exceedingly soft and
of dazzling whiteness. This linen has been sold for twice the
price of gold. Sir J. G. Wilkinson says of it, "The quality of
the fine linen fully justified all the praises of antiquity,
and excites equal admiration at the present day, being to the
touch comparable to silk, and not inferior in texture to our
finest cambric." (SBD)
1041 bomos {bo'-mos}
from the base of 939; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n m
AV - altar (1)
1) an elevated place; very often a raised place on which to
offer a sacrifice, an altar
1042 gabbatha {gab-bath-ah'}
of Aramaic origin [compare 1355]; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n pr loc
AV - Gabbatha (1)
1) Gabbatha meaning "elevated or a platform" in the Greek was
called Lithostrotos; or the pavement of stones, as the Syriac
version renders it: it is thought to be the room Gazith, in
which the sanhedrin sat in the temple when they tried capital
causes; and it was so called, because it was paved with
smooth, square hewn stones: "it was in the north part; half of
it was holy, and half of it was common: and it had two doors,
one for that part which was holy, and another for that part
that was common; and in that half that was common the
sanhedrin sat." So that into this part of it, and by this
door, Pilate, though a Gentile, might enter. This place, in
the language of the Jews, who at that time spoke Syriac, was
Gabbatha, from its height, as it should seem; though the
Syriac and Persian versions read Gaphiphtha, which signifies a
fence or enclosure. Mention is made in the Talmud of the upper
Gab in the mountain of the house; but whether the same with
this Gabbatha, and whether this is the same with the chamber
Gazith, is not certain. The Septuagint uses the same word as
John here does, and calls by the same name the pavement of the
temple on which Israelites fell and worshipped God. (2 Chr.
7:3) (Gill) The Hebrew word for Pavement occurs only once in
the Old Testament. In 2 Kings 16:17 we read, "King Ahaz cut
off the borders of the bases, and removed the laver from off
them; and took down the sea from off the brazen oxen that were
under it, and put it upon the pavement of stones." In Ahaz's
case his act was the conclusive token of his abject apostasy.
So here of Pilate coming down to the apostate Jews. In the
former case it was a Jewish ruler dominated by a Gentile
idolater; in the latter, a Gentile idolater dominated by Jews
who had rejected the Messiah! (AWP John 19:13)
1043 Gabriel {gab-ree-ale'}
of Hebrew origin [1403]; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n pr m
AV - Gabriel (2)
1) Gabriel meaning "man of God", was an angel sent by God to
announce to Zacharias the birth of John the Baptist, and to
Mary, the birth of Christ. He was also sent to Daniel to
explain his visions. (SBD)
1044 gaggraina {gang'-grahee-nah}
from graino (to gnaw); TDNT - omitted,omitted; n f
AV - canker (1)
1) a gangrene, a disease by which any part of the body suffering
from inflammation becomes so corrupted that, unless a remedy be
seasonably applied, the evil continually spreads, attacks
other parts, and at last eats away the bones.
1045 Gad {gad}
of Hebrew origin [1410]; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n pr loc
AV - Gad (1)
1) Gad meaning "a troop", was the seventh son of the patriarch
Jacob, by Zilpah, Leah's maid.
1046 Gadarenos {gad-ar-ay-nos'}
from Gadara (a town east of the Jordan); TDNT - omitted,omitted; adj
AV - Gadarene (3)
1) Gadarene, also called Gergesenes, is the name of the place
where Jesus healed the two demoniacs. The miracle took place
near the town of Gergesa, the modern Kersa, close by the
eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee, and hence in the country
of the Gergesenes. But as Gergesa was a small village, and
little known, the evangelists, who wrote for more distant
readers, spoke of the event as taking place in the country of
the Gadarenes, so named from its largest city, Gadara; and
this country included the country of Gergesenes as a state
includes a county. The Gerasenes were the people of the
district of which Gerasa was the capital. This city was better
known than Gadara or Gergesa; indeed in the Roman age no city
of Palestine was better known. "It became one of the proudest
cities of Syria." It was situated some 30 miles south east of
Gadara, on the borders of Peraea, and just a little north of
the river Jabbok. It is now called Jerash, and is a deserted
ruin. The district of the Garasenes probably included that of
the Gadarenes; so that the demoniac of Gergesa belonged to the
country of the Gadarenes. (SBD)
1047 gaza {gad'-zah}
of foreign origin; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n f
AV - treasure (1)
1) the royal treasury, treasure, riches
1048 Gaza {gad'-zah}
of Hebrew origin [5804]; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n pr loc
AV - Gaza (1)
1) meaning "the fortified; the strong" was one of the five chief
cities of the Philistines. It is remarkable for its continuous
existence and importance since ancient times. The secret of
this unbroken history is to be found in the location of Gaza.
It is the last town in the southwest of Palestine, on the
frontier towards Egypt. The same peculiarity of situation has
made Gaza important in a military sense. Its name means "the
strong;" and this is well attested in its siege by Alexander
the Great, which lasted five months. In the conquest of Joshua
the territory of Gaza is mentioned as one which he was not
able to subdue. It was assigned to the tribe of Judah, and
that tribe captured it, but not for long, but it was a
Philisine town in the times of Samuel, Saul and David. Solomon
became master of "Azzah" (1 KI. 4:24) but in later times the
same trouble with the Philistines recurred. (2 Chr. 21:16,
26:6, 28:18). The passages where Gaza is mentioned in the New
Testament (Acts 8:26) is full of interest. It is the account
of the baptism of the Ethiopian eunuch on his return from
Jerusalem to Egypt. Gaza is the modern city of Ghuzzeh, a
Mohammedan town of about 16,000 inhabitants, situated partly
along an oblong hill of moderate height and partly on lower
ground. The climate of the place is almost tropical, but it
has deep wells of excellent water. There are a few palm trees
in the town, and its fruit orchards are very productive; but
the chief feature of the neighbourhood is the wide spread
olive grove to the north and north-east. (SBD)
1049 gazophulakion {gad-zof-oo-lak'-ee-on}
from 1047 and 5438; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n n
AV - treasury (5)
1) a repository of treasure, especially of public treasure, a
treasury. It is used to describe the apartments constructed in
the courts of the temple, in which the not only the sacred
offerings and things needful for the service were kept, but in
which the priests, etc, dwelt: Neh. 13:7; of the sacred
treasury in which not only treasure but also public records
were stored, and the property of widows and orphans was
deposited. Josephus speaks of treasuries in the womens's court
of Herod's temple. In the N.T. near the treasury seems to used
of that receptacle mentioned by the rabbis to which were
fitted thirteen chests or boxes, i.e. trumpets, so called from
their shape, and into which were put the contributions made
voluntarily or paid yearly by the Jews for the service of the
temple and the support of the poor. (SBD)